Saturday 20 September 2014

Building materials-1

  The construction materials for building a bamboo house should be readily available and accessible. Traditionally used construction materials are considered. The bamboo based house has a very low weight therefore foundations can be minimized. For wall construction are used wall panels, assembled from split bamboo grids and chicken steel mesh and plastered with cement mortar. Basic materials for house components (bamboo, wire, bolts, chicken mesh, and cement) are inexpensive. Bamboo can tolerate high values of deformations in the elastic range i.e. possesses high elasticity.

Therefore bamboo houses when properly constructed are ductile i.e. being able to sway back and forth during an earthquake, without any damage to the bamboo poles.

Bamboo is available in commercial quantities using the established supply system. It is a renewable plant with a short rotation period. Bamboo grows to its full size for about a year. Another two or three years are required for the plant to gain its high strength. Bamboo can be grown even on degraded land. Construction materials from bamboo should be treated in order to achieve longevity. The use of high energy materials, like cement or steel, is minimised. Therefore the adoption of bamboo for house construction helps preserve the environment. On Figure 1 below,  free quote for car insurance 

is shown a house having a load bearing structure built in bamboo.Bamboo harvesting:
Bamboo should be harvested during the dry season in the tropics. This reduces beetle attacks, since insects are less active during dry season. Bamboo should be harvested in autumn and winter in subtropical areas.

The branches should be carefully removed from the bamboo culms so that the outer skin is not damaged. After harvesting the canes can be stored vertically or horizontally. In the latter case the canes should be frequently supported in order to avoid bending out of shape. Canes should be protected from direct sun, soil moisture and rain. There are two ways for drying the bamboo canes. The bamboo poles can be dried for about 6-12 weeks, by allowing good air-circulation while being stored under a shed. Faster alternative is using kilns for drying the canes. In this way the bamboo canes can be dried for 2- 3 weeks. Workability of the canes is ideal when they are dry.

 Bamboo preservation
The aim of bamboo poles preservation is to prevent the invasion of pests, insects and fungus. If left untreated, bamboo poles may not survive more than about two years. We recommend the following methods for treating bamboo poles:

  • Immersion:-Freshly cut bamboo poles are immersed in water for period of 4-12 weeks. During this time the nourishment for insects inside the poles is removed. Streams or ponds are suitable. Ponds should allow circulation of water. Immersion in saltwater is not a suitable technique. Los Angeles Criminal Attorney 
  • Impregnating coatings:-Preservation with borate solution is an efficient technique. The method involves the borate/borax salt solution being pressure-fed in the pole until it is seen at the other end of the pole. The culms treated in this technique should be of mature age. The treatment procedure should be applied on the day of harvesting the bamboo. This is a severe requirement. Information on this method is available through INBAR bamboo research network in India. Lemon Law California.
  • Heating:-This method consists of heating the canes, for a short time in kilns to 150oC. Alternatively the canes can be placed into a large container and boiled (cooked) for 25 minutes. In Japan a method of boiling the bamboo in caustic ash solution has been used. 

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